Monday, October 11, 2010

Buenos Aires – Observations

3 apples, 2 bananas = 91 cents; apples cost from $1 – 1.50 per kilo or 45-68 cents a lb.

Subway (Subte) ticket = 1.10 pesos or 28 cents; bus ticket maximum is 1.25 pesos or 32 cents.

Buses are very, very frequent, and are run privately, not by the city.

Do you want to park on the street? At a meter it’ll cost you 1.40 pesos (or 35 cents) per hour. Choose a lot and it could go to $2.50 an hour.

Need gas? 3.23 pesos/litre or 82 cents = @ $3.25 gallon. No bargain there.

Mothers Day with reflection

A café con leche is around $2.00, with three medialunas $3.00. A medialuna is shaped like a croissant, but smaller and more bread-like.

Mothers’ Day is this Sunday (Oct. 17) here in Argentina!

Every restaurant that we’ve eaten in so far has had leather placemats, some with the restaurant name embossed on them. Use those cows!

Remember when you learned that double l (ll) is pronounced “y”, so parilla is pronounced "pariya"? Well, forget about it. Here the double l is pronounced “sh”, so you eat at a “parisha”.

And they don’t speak Español. They speak Castellano, which, obviously, is pronounced “Casteshano” in Argentina.

No one says “Buenos dias.” They all say “buen dia,” which, of course, makes all the sense in the world.  (Good days - with an s?  Where did that come from?)

1 comment:

Decatur Ave/The Bronx said...

Café con leche is cheaper than in France, as other prices seem. I think I was paying about 4€ for one and a large croissant, which turns into about 5.60 USD. Ouch.

Very interesting about the Spanish. I'll have to ask Andrea and my friend Majed from Zaragoza in Aragon, Spain, about it.

Love your observations, Peggy and Jeff.